Top 7 Common Website Problems and How to Resolve Them

Top 7 Common Website Problems and How to Resolve

Websites are the interaction point of an eCommerce store. However, many firms don’t understand their loopholes. And it can be in the development or the deployment stage. But all the store owners need is the solutions to face any of the challenges. From mobile responsiveness to security concerns, your website should solve it all. Let’s take a look at some common website problems and their solutions. 

Common website problems with solutions

Common website problems with solutions

Here are some challenges faced by websites with perfect solutions.

Slow loading 

We’ll talk about first thing first. When a visitor comes to your site, they notice the loading speed. Because if your website isn’t loaded properly how can they see other elements? So, slow loading site is one of the common website problems faced by visitors.

Three seconds is the time to load the website. And not just the landing page, but all the pages. Your users come with a purpose and will leave if they don’t find it. And you will become the reason for your competitors’ success.


Check your website’s loading speed before its launch. You can involve intelligent tools like Google Page Speed Insights. Because you will get the overall result just by sharing the site URL. Or you can resize the images, update your plugins, or reduce the content. Because these things govern the speed of your business website.

Poor UI

Your visitors will look for the user experience. And using a clean and organized layout design can help you achieve the correct user retention. Your poorly designed Java web development and bad choice of colors can lead to poor traffic insights. So, this adversely affects your brand reputation. It is one of the common website problems in business websites. 


Search for a website host or create small apps for user-friendly behavior. Allow the website to assist users in navigating. To promote an excellent user interface, you should analyze the customer journey.

Mobile incompatibility

Mobile incompatibility

Your users don’t always use the desktop to visit your site. And most of them use mobile devices. So, users find this unprofessional behavior irritating. Also if you keep a mobile-first approach, try to make it desktop friendly. Remember responsiveness help to get top rankings. You can consult Java mobile app development for more business.


To check if your website is mobile-friendly check the images, fonts, and orientation. Run different kinds of tests to check if your app is responsive across the screens. So, to check its efficiency and responsiveness.

Unoptimized SEO

Unoptimized SEO

Make your content understood even when they don’t belong to the specific industry. Don’t expect your users to be known to technical jargon. You can imagine it as a user coming to your site to find some useful stuff. But what annoys them is too hard-to-handle content. They will need an additional site or dictionary to find meaning. Plus, you are stuffing keywords to get ranked in the SERPs. This will reduce the potential of your website. 


Don’t involve fancy words to make your website look high-end. Instead, in Java eCommerce solutions stay subtle with word usage. And take professional assistance to optimize your website. Try to be straightforward with content and SEO optimization. 

Broken links

Your website broken links or images irritate your users. And when they see 404 it can degrade your reputation. Also, it discourages your visitors to become loyal shoppers. Moreover, if you have a lot of broken links then Google can penalize your websites. It is one of the common website problems in user experience. Because you pose as a shady in front of them.


Crawling your site for any broken links or pages regularly. Or you can use Google Search Console to get the in-depth analysis. Because of this crawling, you can easily update or remove the broken links.

Missing sentiments

You need a more human touch, if you want to attract more users and increase traffic. And if you don’t include it, you won’t be able to understand your users or market trends. Many businesses lose many potential customers as a result of the disconnect. Because people associate products with emotions. You can consult Java mobile app development for more business. And, incorporate those feelings into your winning hearts.


Add a human element to avoid common website problems with your products or services. Be concise and clear regarding your user expectations. Try to integrate your values with the expectations to present the best for you. You can try to involve big data applications in your business to deliver the best.

Security issues

Any business website’s security is critical. Users will not believe any shady or fraudulent activities. Try to improve the dependability of your website. Because cyber attacks or security theft tarnish your company’s reputation. In addition, your website is ranked lower in the SERPs. If it causes significant damage, it can steal confidential data and assist you in making money.


Ensure your website is secure by updating it regularly. Stay away from kind of copyright and unreliable information. Try to design pages with accurate data and contact information. Make your clients and employees appear on your internal web pages. Obtain an SSL certificate and keep your users informed about it.

Conclusion: Web development is not as easy as it seems. There are many issues faced in web development and the common ones are discussed above. For more consideration, consult Java web development for your projects.


Q. What is the most difficult aspect of web development?

When you start a web development project, you face a slew of challenges, including development strategy, tech stack, design, compatibility, performance, and developer access, to name a few.

Q. What is the most difficult challenge for a company website designer?

Designing a good website entails making sure that the user experience is appealing to a wide range of people, but this is one of the most difficult aspects of web design.

Q. What exactly are website errors?

Website errors are simply issues caused by a misconfigured server.

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