Significance of Deploying Java Microservices on the Cloud

Today, every Java development company is focusing on building Java microservices-based applications because of Java’s intuitive coding interface and availability of source codes. Additionally, Java is the most extensively used programming language that is known to all web application developers. This blog post emphasizes on the significance of building and deploying Java-based microservices on the cloud.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) application development provides enterprises with the flexibility and mobility required to flawlessly run their operations across several devices. At the same time, optimizing these applications has become essential to address the changing requirements of their clients, customers, and end-users. However, modifying code in sophisticated software applications can be a time-consuming and tedious task. Moreover, it requires strong expertise to maintain consistency in code and application functionality. To overcome these challenges, app developers break a large and complex software application into smaller independently-managed structures known as microservices.

Why is Java Microservices Important?

Microservices are a perfect example of the modular software architecture that breaks a large, complex application into smaller, independently-managed components for enhanced interoperability. Java microservices have gained popularity over the last few years as they simplify API management by flawlessly executing discrete tasks. Some of the prominent companies like Amazon, Netflix, and eBay are successfully operating after adopting the microservices methodology. Below are some of the advantages of using microservices architecture over monolithic design structures:

• No Chances of Complete System Failure
In complex monolithic software, small technical glitches can bring the entire system down. On the other hand, microservices-based applications prevent the instances of a complete system failure. If one component fails, it doesn’t affect the performance of the other components.
Moreover, if you’ve invested in a Java development company for building Java microservices, the Java web developers can easily detect which components have problems and fix them easily as soon as possible, thereby keeping your system up and running flawlessly.

• Better Flexibility
In a microservices architecture, multiple services written in different programming languages can coexist with lesser complexities. Additionally, you can even integrate new technologies to enhance their functionalities.

• Faster Deployment
Microservices enable continuous deployment and integration of services to quickly update changes with smaller codebases.

• Enhanced Scalability
Scaling up a complex application may consume more time and effort since developers have to deal with large codebases. However, in microservices, developers can manage your service components. As a result, developers can easily scale the important component at the most convenient time.

• Easy to Develop and Maintain
Since microservices-based software includes a set of independent components, it is extremely easy to develop and maintain.

Deploying Java Microservices on the Cloud

Java web developers can easily deploy microservices-based applications on the cloud using containers that are virtually-created operating systems. Below are the three main approaches for deploying Java microservices on the cloud.

1. Deployment of Java Microservices as Amazon EC2 Instances
AWS EC2 AMI is one of the most popular virtual machines for deploying Java microservices on the cloud. Using Amazon EC2 AMI, you can horizontally scale each service with a feedback control loop through the load balancer.

2. Deployment of Java Microservices as a Docker Container On Kubernetes
Java microservices instances can also be deployed as Docker containers on Kubernetes that supports scalability, load balancing, and other important features.

3. Deployment of Java Microservices as a Serverless Function
One of the most useful tools to deploy each microservice as a serverless function on the AWS cloud is AWS Lambda. Deploying microservices using AWS Lambda eliminates the need for complex servers and requires less operational effort and time. However, it involves vendor lock-ins and offers limited accessibility of code execution to implement new features.

Wrapping Up
Developing and scaling a Java microservices application may be easy but deploying them on the cloud can be intimidating when the aforementioned tools are not present. There are various services, each having its own set of requirements and configurations. Therefore, it is imperative to use a reliable cloud computing services tools like AWS EC2, Kubernetes, and AWS Lambda to ensure a smooth deployment of Java microservices-based applications on the cloud.

Hire Our Java Web Developers to Build Deployable Java Microservices

We are an experienced and the most trusted Java development company that specializes in a wide range of application development services including Java microservices-based applications, Java web application development, J2EE development, the development of Java chat applications, and many more. Our Java web developers employ cutting-edge tools and agile methodologies to build high-quality applications for popular software platforms. Over the years we have successfully built numerous full-fledged microservice applications for our clients relying on Java-based programming. Our Java application development services provide more flexibility and agility to apply new features and performance updates. We also offer cloud computing services to let you seamlessly you Java-based applications on cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

frequently asked questions

Q.1. What is a microservices architecture?

Ans. Microservices architecture is an architectural development model that helps in building an application as a collection of small autonomous services that cater to a business domain.

Q.2. What are the advantages of using a microservices-based application?
Ans. Here are some of the significant advantages of using Microservices-based application:

• Microservices can mix easily with other development frameworks, libraries, and databases which brings technology diversity.
• It facilitates fault isolation, which means, a process failure will not bring down the entire system
• It provides greater support for a smaller and parallel developers’ team
• Microservices deployment means independent deployment
• Deploying smaller independent instances reduces the deployment time.

Q.3. Which companies are using Microservice architecture?
Ans. Some of the prominent websites that have advanced from a monolithic architecture to microservices architecture are Twitter, Netflix, Amazon, and more.

Have more questions? Feel free to ask our Java specialists right away!

Looking to Build Java Microservices-based Application Software?