Data Structures Every Java Developer Should Learn in 2023

1. Array

1. Array

An array is homogeneous and contains data of the same type. If you store an int in a String, it should throw an ArrayStoreException at runtime. You can hire Java developers for more technical guidance.

2. Linked List

2. Linked List

Another structure to learn is the linked list. In Java, doubly linked list implementations are available as java. util.LinkedList. This class can also be used whenever a linked list data structure is required.

3. Hash Table

3. Hash Table

A hash table is also known as a map or dictionary, another versatile data structure. Java API offers map data structure implementation for various needs. Such as HashMap, Hashtable, and ConcurrentHashMap. It works the same as the Dictionary in Python.

4. Stack

Moving on to the next data structure, Stack, implemented as java. util.Stack. And for storing elements, this class extends the legacy Vector class. The Stack adheres to the LIFO (Last In, First Out) principle. It also provides a push() method for inserting objects and a pop() method for inserting elements.

5. Queue

Another important data structure in the Java collection framework is the queue. It is a concrete implementation of the interfaces ArrayBlockingQueue, LinkedList, and PriorityQueue. However, Queue can also be implemented using a linked list or an array.

6. Set

6. Set

Finally, a set is a special type of data structure that eliminates duplicates. It’s unique to use in web application development in Java these elements as your organization’s IDs.