What Java Technologies will Rule in 2020 for Web Application Development?

What Java Technologies will Rule in 2020 for Web Application Development?

Web applications are an integral part of our daily needs and the internet is full of such applications. These web applications have different functionalities ranging from online forms processing, voting polls, online shopping, booking flights, secure online transactions and many more. However, a major challenge for enterprises is to choose a Java technology to create a web application. The best […]

How Microservice Architectures Improve Enterprise Application Development

How Microservice Architectures Improve Enterprise Application Development

Microservices are small, loosely bundled distributed architectural styles that develop a software application as a set of small services. The evolution of microservice was prompted by problems associated with Monolith architecture in Java development services and related areas. The microservices architecture enables you to break a large software application into smaller components with specific roles. The microservices architecture style enables […]